Hello All!
Today is another interesting day on Kibbutz Tzuba. This morning (actually, it might have been last night, but that's beside the point) I was discussing kibbutzim with a few other people on the trip. Or rather, someone brought up something they didn't like and my mind went into overdrive doing comparisons. In this case, the person said they thought that the dining hall served way too many carbs and not enough protein or other types of foods. I personally think that's BS - whoops, sorry, I mean that I don't think that's right. There's plenty there, if you know where to look and are willing to keep an open mind about foreign foods. When I walked in to the cafeteria this morning for breakfast, I found a table full of fresh vegetables, hummus, and tachina, several cereal options, several drink options, and several main course options. Comparatively, at the kibbutz (that shall go unnamed) that I visited last time, they served us literally only white bread and rice. And hot chocolate. So I think we're doing pretty well, don't you?
Sounds like the Kibbutz had a lot of yummy options. I loved the produce when I was in Israel. I hope you are enjoying the food and not worrying too much about all that silly nonsense. Eat lots of olives and hummus for me! Oh yea, and the olive pizza. Xoxox, Mir